Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prompt In what ways and to what effect do at least two of...

Prompt: In what ways and to what effect do at least two of the works you have studied explore the conflict between public and private interest? Conflict- a disagreement between two parties in which either words or physical harm are dealt Private- belonging to an individual, an entity not encompassing the entirety of something, a corporation, or another minority figure Public- belonging to the general whole of society Interest- the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone; concern, importance; something that concerns, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the curiosity of a person Explore- travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it; examine or†¦show more content†¦1. The dead neighbor- public to Laura’s family, private to guests. Laura wants the news to be public, and therefore call off the party. Laura’s mother wants to keep the news private and continue with the party. Can be private interest/information to a person (unknown) or public information (known) Thesis- Characters within The Scarlet Letter, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and Heart of Darkness experience shock upon discovering information that is private that should be made public, but do not make said information public, and as a result feel conflicted internally. Androids Scarlet HOD Mansfield Subtle similarities 1. Buster Friendly being an android (of private interest to andriods)The androids, speciffically Roy Batty feel proud knowing that Buster Friendly (and maybe his friendly friends) is an android. Thus explaining how he can possibly do 46 hours of shows (23 each with TV and radio) a day2. Internal conflicts about what to make public and what to keep private, such as having an animal that is fake or the Human police station vs. android police stationWhen Deckard is taken to the second police station run by andriods, he does nothing to report it and possibly have the payday of a lifetime, even surpassing the one he recieves in the novel.Show MoreRelatedPoli 330 Entire Course (Dqs -Checkpoints Critical Paper)9209 Words   |  37 Pagesdaily routines. Can you think of a time when a political act impacted your daily life? What made this experience political? As we begin our discussions, let’s not forget to comment on each other’s posts. Can you see any similarities in your situations? 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