Thursday, September 3, 2020

Personal Reflections Free Essays

Jeremiah took in an exercise that is its profound comprehension of the confinements of individuals that we can't carry on with an average and fulfilling existence without consistent direction of Almighty God. Through the book of Jeremiah, who originally trained me is, the means by which hirelings of God are called to serve Him and how the Almighty decided to serve his worker from the belly itself. â€Å"Now the expression of the Lord came to me saying, ‘Before I framed you in the belly I knew you, and before you were conceived I blessed you; I designated you a prophet to the countries. We will compose a custom paper test on Individual Reflections or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now † (Jeremiah 1: 5). Jeremiah the Prophet was dispatched from the belly of his mom for his holy obligation. There are a few things here that is excellent and awesome, when we consider what it says about the information on God. God revealed to Jeremiah that he â€Å"knew† before he was made in the belly. He definitely knows the qualities and shortcomings of Jeremiah. He realized that Jeremiah would be what God needs to use during specific times of the historical backdrop of Israel. Each hireling of God had their own authorized to serve Him in different office. Solid Relationship with GodJeremiah has a drawn out relationship with God. After some time, he figured out how to motivate and confide in him with positive outcomes from numerous trials that occurred in the workplace. The upright prophets, who come clean about the national condition, are not human. Jeremiah has some genuine companions. Be that as it may, God is the first in the life of this prophet. He knows and obeys God as Creator. Jeremiah was picked to record perhaps the most profound piece of the Bible by God. â€Å"Thus says the Lord:† Give to the insightful not to commend his knowledge, not to give a solid greatness to man in his influence, nor to leave the magnificence of wealth and wealth? In any case, he who lauds this wonder, who comprehends and knows me, what god's identity is, has intercourse, judgment, and equity on earth. (Jeremiah 9: 23-24). Jeremiah the Rescuer Despite the various conditions, the prophet Jeremiah lived in a time of national disorder when it resembled the current atmosphere of vulnerability and nervousness. The confidence, as indicated by Jeremiah, is bolstered and upheld by God’s individual duty to him. Jeremiah says â€Å"Then the Lord restored his hand and contacted my mouth, and the Lord stated, â€Å"Behold, I have spoken for you. Today, I have made every one of these countries and over the realm, decimate and annihilate, fabricate and (9-10)†. We can see the substance of the book itself, which Jeremiah forecasted during the time of unexpected decrease and at last the catch of the nation of Judah. This is a conspicuous voice in the declaration of God’s matter for his kin. Throughout around 40 years, Jeremiah forecasted during the rule of the five unique rulers of Judah by the commendable Josiah. Guide issue with it, let Jeremiah took in a couple of exercises about the idea of God and the human condition that people of the this century must comprehend and recognize the commission of natural to them and to spare countries or people.Relying on God alone.Most of the time we neglected to depending on God when the hour of mistreatments. Yet, in this book show us, regardless of the serious oppression of his kin, Jeremiah realized that the Supreme Lord was the total control of these occasions. Numerous countrymen don't, and some of them keep on debilitating their message, straightforwardly from the Creator. However, God had stated: â€Å"I am watching to see that my assertion is fulfilled† (Jeremiah 1:12, NIV).Our Creator has an away from and reason for the salvation of humankind. A few things in this world bode well just on the off chance that we acknowledge this reality. For all Judah, who were going to the day of Jeremiah, God guaranteed them that he would favor them when they were caught in Babylon. â€Å"For I know the considerations that I think toward you, says the LORD, contemplations of harmony and not of abhorrence, to give you a future and an expectation. At that point you will call upon Me and proceed to appeal to Me, and I will tune in to you† (Jeremiah 29:11-12).Great commisionGod doesn't care to rebuff Judah for national and individual sin. He sent prophets to caution them ahead of time, yet the country has overlooked. â€Å"In vain I have rebuked your kids; they got no correction† (Jeremiah 2:30). Along these lines, national imprisonment turned into a need. What are the lessons of our present reality? What we can realize by this? Of cause it’s become the impression of today’s world. Prior to the debacle of Judah, Jeremiah communicated apology by the individuals for the individuals of his. â€Å"Amend your ways and your doings, and I will make you stay in this place† (Jeremiah 7:3). God calls individuals to transformation and individual Judah countries (sections 4-7), yet it didn't occur. We can get it that numerous advantages from the direction of His consistent paying little heed to how awful the nation was left. â€Å"O Lord, right me, however with equity; do with your annoyance, in case thou not think don't matter† (Jeremiah 10:24). Can supplicate a similar petition today for our nation Malaysia? Indeed we can in light of the fact that God the Almighty is a similar yesterday-today-and tomorrow. Definitely he will tune in to our petition. Acknowledge the Rebuke.Jeremiah was human and had failings, however at any rate he genuinely conceded them to God. Rather than devoutly concealing his actual inclination, he spill his guts to the Lord and the Lord answer him. He asks God, that he asks why the torment and depression appear to be ceaseless! He ponders whether God will bomb him. Will God resemble a problematic and occasional creek? God’s answer may stun the prophet, for the Lord disclosed to him he expected to apologize, on the off chance that he atone God will reestablish him that he may serve the Lord, if Jeremiah express commendable, not useless, word, with the goal that he might be the representative. The Lord consistently offset censure with confirmation. He guaranteed by and by to make Jeremiah a sustained divider and give him triumph over all adversaries. Jeremiah needed to figure out how to stroll by confidence, which implied obeying God’s word regardless of how he felt, what he saw, or what individuals may do to him. God never guaranteed Jeremiah a simple activity, yet He promised Jeremiah all that he have to accomplish His work reliably. God reminds Jeremiah that the enduring he has encountered is actually similar to what God had let him know. Jeremiah at that point, isn't to disintegrate notwithstanding difficulty but instead intensify his duty to his prophetic work. Oppression has not wrecked God’s guarantee to convey and vindicate (stanza 20), and God reminds Jeremiah that his diligence is the very vehicle by which the individuals are prevailed upon to apology (section 19). End Is it unimaginable for God’s picked workers to be feeble and hurt their own services? No. Since each hireling of God is an individual and is dependent upon the shortcoming of human instinct. Model; Moses got disheartened and needed to pass on (No. 11: 10-15); Joshua was eager to stop and leave the place where there is guarantee (Jos 7: 6-11), Elijah even left his place of obligation and would have liked to kick the bucket (1 Kings 19) and Jonah was furious and he wouldn't help the individual he acted the hero (Jonah 4). God doesn't need us to overlook our emotions, since it will make us not exactly individuals, yet He needs us to confide in Him to change our sentiments and to stroll with confidence in Him.The book of Jeremiah instructs that genuineness and dependability amidst enduring are indications of prophetic help and an exercise that is its profound comprehension of the restrictions of people that we can't carry on with an average and fulfilling existence without steady direction of Almighty God. The declaration of the prophet to his underlying call was a manner by which God would complete his redemptive work on the planet and reaffirm the guarantees of freedom. Step by step instructions to refer to Personal Reflections, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

womenoed Essay on Sophocles Antigone - Sisters :: Antigone essays

Sisters  Two sisters bound to adore one another, however strife intrudes on their ways. The main's excursion is one of self-investigation and revelation; the other's of consistent abuse and hardships. Ismene and Antigone are the disturbed sisters whose choices take them on various courses, however these equivalent decisions additionally united them. Despite the fact that their activities show in an unexpected way, Antigone and Ismene's ethics and ways of thinking show that they are genuine sisters on the most fundamental level.   Antigone shows the property of intensity. She is continually going her own heading. She is a pioneer, not a devotee. Ismene: What? You'd cover him when a law restricts the city? Antigone: Yes! He is my sibling and-deny it as you will-your sibling too.(61). This is the place Antigone's intensity starts to surface. She is communicating her conflict with King Creon's law. This is incredibly challenging of her to do in light of the fact that she is resisting the tradition that must be adhered to. Then again, Ismene shows the nature of being a weakling. She says, Recall that, we are ladies, we're not destined to battle with men.(62). On the as opposed to what Ismene's mind advises her to do, her heart is shouting to proceed to cover her sibling, and challenge Creon's disreputable law. It isn't until the center to end of the play that Ismene's actual self rises and she concurs with Antigone. This is only one of the ways Antigone and Ismene are the equivalent on the most fundamental level, yet take various ways to get to their genuine internal individual.   Another extraordinary quality of Antigone is her shrewdness. Antigone: Dear god, yell it from the housetops. I'll detest all of you the more for quiet tell the world.(64). This is in light of Ismene's guarantee to stay quiet about Antigone's covering of her sibling. Antigone's astuteness shows up here on the grounds that she figured out how to freely challenge Creon and tell others how crooked he truly is. Similarly, Ismene is savvy and comes brisk to comprehension. In answer to Antigone's above explanation she says, At that point go on the off chance that you should, yet have confidence, wild, nonsensical as you seem to be, my sister, you are really dear to the ones who love you.(64). Despite the fact that Ismene as of now can't help contradicting her sister's activity, she cleverly comprehended Antigone's thought to need to by and large give her insubordination of Creon. These to characters of Antigone and Ismene likewise show their similitudes in their ways of thinking.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Employee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Representative - Essay Example ons and magnificent lawbreaker and disciplinary records are probably going to regard the arrangements of our organization than those whose records are faulty (Rees and Smith 43). As a rule, these records represent a potential employee’s character and capacity to meet working environment desires. For the five representatives, we will likewise search for proof of administration capacity and great good and strict foundation. For instance, representatives who have held initiative situations in their past work environments are bound to comprehend the requests of classification and significant level polished methodology than the individuals who are yet to show administration capacity. Great good and strict foundation is generally demonstrative of a person’s character and responsibility. For instance, people with a sound strict establishment are bound to show devotion and regard secrecy. Another factor that we will consider while recruiting the five representatives is age. Experienced representatives are bound to comprehend and regard prerequisites for key and data classification. Experience additionally represents proficient keenness and adaptability, since more seasoned representatives have most likely experienced comparable desires at their past work environments (Perkins and Arvinen-Muondo 28). Aside from the educational plan vitae, which is an essential in any enlistment procedure, we will likewise require the five employment candidates to have government managed savings cards, birth declarations, recognizable proof cards, work license, and scholastic documentation to confirm the data gave in the resume. These records are obligatory, and all candidates must have them or present them during the meeting procedure. For candidates who are not US residents, they should introduce unique international IDs and decipherable duplicates of the fitting pages demonstrating current movement status. Candidates who are chosen will be required to audit and sign the work agreement and terms of conditions before beginning their residencies. Since the five

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Emo Subculture Essay - 550 Words

The Emo Subculture (Essay Sample) Content: The Emo SubcultureStudentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s nameProfessorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s nameCourse titleDateThe Emo Sub Culture: Characteristics and Relationship with The Mainstream American CultureA subculture is a group that differentiates itself from the mainstream culture through their values, norms, beliefs, language or even clothing style. I belong to the Emo subculture. The Emo subculture started in Washington D.C. in the 1980. Emo is short form for emotional hardcore, used to describe rock bands that add emotional elements to their music. Today the Emo are a group of people with their own behavior, style, fashion, values and life perspectives making it a subculture. The Emo subgroup members are usually shy, quiet, sensitive, in other words Emos are introverts. Emos are misunderstood as being mysterious but they are normal people really. The mainstream America culture encourages people to speak openly and give their opinion on issues that concern them. The Emo subculture members who do not want to express themselves through words may appear strange. They like poetry of the emotional and romantic kind, they like hanging out with their Emo friends and going to concerts.The Emos have characteristic hairstyle and fashion that distinguishes them from other people. The hair may be straight, layered or spiked but must have a long fringe that is brushed to one side of the face, covering one or both eyes. Usually the hair is dyed black or other colors like purple, red, pink. The Emos wear skinny jeans that are black, vintage t-shirts or tight tops and zip hoodies. The shoes Emos wear are either skate shoes or converse. They accessorize with studded belts and wrist bands, black nail polish, thick rimmed glasses and black eye liners. Emos have difficulty expressing themselves therefore some express their emotions through their clothes and may wear the brightest clothes. A person does not have to conform to the gothic like look. The decision to join a given subculture is a personal decision, therefore how a person chooses to cut or dye their hair or what they wear is not the defining characteristic. The Emo subculture does not have a language different from mainstream American language. Their words are usually more expressive of their feelings and may be irritating to a non Emo.The mainstream American does not accept alternative subcultures and people belonging to these groups are usually attacked. The Emo music and Emo subculture has attracted severe criticism. Emos are described as whiners who do not want to deal with everyday problems just like everyone else. It is believed that the subculture promotes dangerous beha...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prompt In what ways and to what effect do at least two of...

Prompt: In what ways and to what effect do at least two of the works you have studied explore the conflict between public and private interest? Conflict- a disagreement between two parties in which either words or physical harm are dealt Private- belonging to an individual, an entity not encompassing the entirety of something, a corporation, or another minority figure Public- belonging to the general whole of society Interest- the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone; concern, importance; something that concerns, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the curiosity of a person Explore- travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it; examine or†¦show more content†¦1. The dead neighbor- public to Laura’s family, private to guests. Laura wants the news to be public, and therefore call off the party. Laura’s mother wants to keep the news private and continue with the party. Can be private interest/information to a person (unknown) or public information (known) Thesis- Characters within The Scarlet Letter, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and Heart of Darkness experience shock upon discovering information that is private that should be made public, but do not make said information public, and as a result feel conflicted internally. Androids Scarlet HOD Mansfield Subtle similarities 1. Buster Friendly being an android (of private interest to andriods)The androids, speciffically Roy Batty feel proud knowing that Buster Friendly (and maybe his friendly friends) is an android. Thus explaining how he can possibly do 46 hours of shows (23 each with TV and radio) a day2. Internal conflicts about what to make public and what to keep private, such as having an animal that is fake or the Human police station vs. android police stationWhen Deckard is taken to the second police station run by andriods, he does nothing to report it and possibly have the payday of a lifetime, even surpassing the one he recieves in the novel.Show MoreRelatedPoli 330 Entire Course (Dqs -Checkpoints Critical Paper)9209 Words   |  37 Pagesdaily routines. Can you think of a time when a political act impacted your daily life? What made this experience political? As we begin our discussions, let’s not forget to comment on each other’s posts. Can you see any similarities in your situations? 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Theology for Vladimir Lossky and Gilkey -

Question: Discuss about theTheologyfor Vladimir Lossky and Langdon Gilkey. Answer: Introduction Within the area of evolution in the Christian theology, the major conflicts centers around the Christian doctrine of sin. The traditional formula of this doctrine has evolved through various claims and addressed different dimensions. The famous theologian Vladimir Lossky has evolved his ideas of the Christian traditions and had argued that the traditional theologians in the orthodox era had preserved the mystical dimensions of theology in an integrated method[1]. Whereas Langdon Gilkey has more focused on the modern interpretation of the traditional reformation and emphasized the social and individual self delusion and the estrangement. This essay focuses on the comparison and contrast of the both the ideas of the theologians, especially on the basis of their famous writings. Discussion Vladimir Lossky has especially used the term mystical theology in describing the traditional theological traditions of the orthodox churches. However, this term was not clearly defined in his book The Nature of Eastern Orthodox Theology. This book was not really about the mysticism of the Christianity; rather it does not include any kind of vision or the mystical experiences. This book mostly speaks about the conventional account of the Christian doctrine, the Incarnation, the Trinity, the life of Church and the mission of the Holy Spirits. The book was a quite confusing as the author himself do not sick to his idea of God what he explained in the beginning of the book[2]. His ideas regarding Trinity of love, Devine mysteries portray a different orientation to the ideas of mysticism that are actually associated with the Western idea of mysticism. It was rooted in the life of church, yet it is not individualistic and indifferent to the hierarchy and the sacraments. On the other hand, Langdon Gillkey talks about the doctrine of the original sin and the choices for existence that an individual faces each day. He was more concerned about the reformation ideas of the Christianity. He deals more with the Protestant view of the Christianity and unlike Vladimir Lossky he emphasized more on the notions of communion and jeopardized the liberty of individual behavior[3]. According to Gilkey, the idea of Catholicism deals with "a remarkable sense of humanity and grace in the communal life of Catholics. ... Consequently the love of life, the appreciation of the body in the senses, of joy and celebration, the tolerance of the sinner, these natural, worldly, and 'human' virtues are far more clearly and universally embodied in Catholics and Catholic life than in Protestants and Protestantism."[4]. Gillkey suggested the Catholic sacra-mentality or the principles might provide a more sacred entrance to the new Christian tradition which will be relative with the contemporary existence of men. Conclusion In conclusion it can be said that, where Vladimir Lossky more emphasized the conventional ideas of the Christian doctrine, Langdon Gillkey had put more emphasis on the present scenario and the contemporary idea of the Christianity. Gillkey has pointed out the views about the liberal concepts of the religion and Losskey on the other hand emphasized the traditional views about it. Reference List Baker, Matthew. "Neopatristic Synthesis and Ecumenism: Toward the Reintegration of Christian Tradition."Eastern Orthodox Encounters of Identity and Otherness. Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014. 235-260. Cavedon, Matthew P. "Independent Science, Integrated Theology: How Process Theology Can Inform Christian Orthodox Theodicy." (2013). McGrath, Alister E.Christian theology: An introduction. John Wiley Sons, 2016. Steward, P. A. "The Religious Faith in the Victorian Age."Ashvamegh... the literary flight!2.19 (2016).

Monday, April 13, 2020

Time Machine Essay Topics

Time Machine Essay TopicsWhen it comes to essay topics, there are many unique essays out there which will allow you to think about the time machine. The times before the invention of the time machine were filled with more innovative ideas and other concepts.Of course these essays are considered to be much easier to write, but in reality they are no less fun to think about. In fact, there are many different styles and subjects which are considered by most people to be very creative. In this article I am going to talk about one of these essay topics which will allow you to give your best ideas and thoughts to someone who reads your essay.Many people have made a career writing about their essay topic, as long as they are willing to take the time to practice. This is because the essay topics do not require too much skills or knowledge. All you need to do is read up on what other people say about their essay topic and then put your own ideas into it.One of the most common essay topics is the time travel essay. As you can imagine, many people want to research the subject because of the huge wealth of ideas and topics that are available. These essay topics are going to allow you to compare things in different time periods, including modern times.This is actually a very easy subject to write about, as well as one of the time travel essay topics. The topic of the time traveling essay is often used by students as a creative outlet, when they are trying to figure out how it will all turn out. The essay topics are also great for those who are writing about how they feel after seeing the time traveling times in action.Sometimes these essay topics are really hard to research, and the biggest problem is finding topics to use. The last thing that you want to do is look for topics on Google, as this will waste your time and make you sick. Instead, you want to do a search on the topics to make sure that you find something that is going to be applicable to you.If you are an avera ge student who wants to write an essay on one of the many essay topics, then you should try and stick to the popular essay topics. This is because many of the popular essay topics are going to give you the best ideas and topics for you to work with. You may even find that you learn a lot from these topics.It will probably be easier for you to research time machine essay topics if you have other subjects that you are interested in. Since many of the time traveling essay topics are related to technology, for example, you may be able to come up with topics on other technologies or even on history. This will be very beneficial to you and it will be a great way to get your essay finished.